Quintus Kaiser Vom  Canisphere, (World class import) 140 pounds, 5 years old,  born May 17, 2005 in Winnipeg Canada. Son of Kris Vom Drantumer Land (Germany) and Uta Von Freiheit Westerholt (Germany), pure breed lines.


 Pedigree 100% German Shepherd, from pure German bloodline.

DNA Tested through the American Kennel Club

Grand- father Ulk vom Arlett "World Best German Shepherd 1996" , ln Germany, where it is the most difficult to win.

Father, mother and brothers have won the best international contests and shows where they have participated.


*    No hip dysplasia guarantee.

*     Perfect  genetically balanced character and behavior, excellent guard dog while loyal to masters  and

       gentle with  children.

*     Superior intelligence to any other dog breed, only comparable to the Belgium sheepdog.

*    Very strong & robust.

*    Always willing to learn something new.

*     Cooperative, committed to work.

*     Incredible behavior at home, while energetic outdoors. 

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